Bzzt Bzzt

Just a brief update today. 

I met with my radiologist today, and we reviewed the plan, which is to have about 15 zaps of radiation, so not too bad! You go in daily, Monday through Friday, and it takes about 30 minutes total.

Today I had a quick CAT scan of my chest and my armpit, and then they put small tattoos to guide the technologist with the radiation. 

The side effects are scary, like heart and lung damage, ribs that fracture easily, and other pleasant things. Most likely though, I will just have minor skin damage, and feel tired. But my treatment plan is short, so I'm hopeful for minor side effects.

The other thing is figuring out how I want to look. Right now, I look like a pear. Or a pregnant teenager. You'll have to use your imagination here. Believe me, they sell all sorts of prosthetics, all sizes, materials, it's crazy. The good thing is insurance covers part of the cost, so thank goodness for insurance! 

I think I'm going with Knitted Knockers (go ahead and laugh), a wonderful non-profit in Bellingham that...well you can guess what they provide. A big shout-out to my friends at Thrifty Kitty for donating a pile of money to them in my name! I could cry happy tears!

As for my mom, some of you know that she recently moved in to assisted living, as her memory is failing. And I'm selling her condo. And her car. It's a long story I won't go in to, but mom is settling in nicely, and my family is helping with what i physically can't do.

When it rains it pours, but we can't control this. I feel better knowing mom is now 20 minutes down the road, and doing well. Whew! That's it for now.


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