Well sh*t...

 Life is full of surprises, and some of them aren't great.

In November 2023, I was minding my own business, planning on dragging my feet about getting  my mammogram, which is currently scheduled for every 2 years, and was slightly overdue.

After my mammo, I get a notification from the clinic that they found something. So I went back in, looked at the image, and wow, did they ever find something. I could not feel this new thing, nor could the surgeon tasked with taking it out. It was cancer if you haven't guessed.

Fast forward a few weeks, and I'm recovering from my basic lumpectomy (and one sentinel lymph node-ectomy), and I get the pathology report. Switch gears! More cancer. My oncologist recommends getting a mastectomy, and I'm thinking heck yeah, I don't want this to come back. Also, I had a "we don''t know what it is" biopsy on the other side, about 10 years ago, so I have made the decision to have a double mastectomy. It may seem radical, but as it is, this whole schmoo will take up about 6 months of my life between surgeries and chemo/radiation, and when you hit 60 you start thinking about things like this.

So that's the plan. Double mastectomy plus chemo at this point. About 4 doses of chemo. Really not looking forward to that.

BUT. Oddly, I am feeling very grateful right now. Not looking forward to surgery and treatment of course, but very grateful. Grateful that I have health insurance; that I got my mammogram and did not wait; for all the very kind people in my life who have offered any assistance they can; for all the other women I know (holy tweet there are a LOT of us) who have survived cancer, and double mastectomy, and can coach me through it; for my loving spouse of 31 years who has been there for me constantly; and my fabulous family for loving me and caring about me. And my cat.

And I'm feeling positive about the outcome, I have talked to many survivors of cancers much worse than mine.

So that's my news. I will blog here infrequently, and post updates when I do.

My main purpose in telling everyone is that I really want all you women friends to get your mammograms on schedule. Don't ignore anything abnormal. And you men? If there is a lot of breast cancer in your family, and if the breast cancer gene has been detected in a mother or a sibling, you get checked out as well. (I don't have this gene).

For those who are familiar with cancer, I have an invasive lobular carcinoma, estrogen receptor positive, HER2 negative.


  1. Letitia, Thank you for sharing. I know this is a very difficult time for you and your family. While I have no idea of the depth of what you are going through, please be assured I will have your back and that of your family to the very best of my ability. We, the IBKC are a group of strong women and we will all help you in any way we can. Please share our contact information with your husband in case you don't feel up to contacting us and he does. You will beat this.

  2. Sending love and prayers for a successful surgery and recovery. Gentle hugs too...


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